As a part of the Communications Division of The Henderson County Sheriff's Office, the Records Department maintains the completeness, accuracy and the integrity of the incidents/arrests as filed by the officers. We maintain fingerprints with each arrest, making corrections with the guidance of the State Bureau of Investigations to ensure that each person with a criminal history is correctly entered into our records system.
The Records Department is also responsible for the Uniform Crime Reporting and the validation of all hot files (stolen license plates, vehicles and firearms with serial numbers entered into NCIC-National Crime Information Center) by contacting the victims, this being said, all is filed with the State of North Carolina on a monthly basis.
We release public information that is readily available to the public for viewing as well as requests for insurance purposes.
How do I obtain a copy of an incident report for my insurance company?
- Come to the Sheriff's Office at 100 North Grove Street and ask for a copy of the incident report. There is no charge for a copy of an incident report.
You may contact the Records Team Leader @ (828) 694-3128 or via email for more information.
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