Henderson County Animal Enforcement (AE) consists of 6 sworn officers who are tasked with answering calls for service relating to dangerous animals, animal cruelty/mistreatment/neglect, larceny of animals and animal nuisance violations. AE also documents animal bites and works alongside the Henderson County Health Department on rabies control issues. Each AE officer is sworn by the Sheriff to uphold and enforce animal laws in accordance with Henderson County Ordinances, North Carolina Criminal Statutes and United States Federal Law. When not actively on an animal related calls, AE deputies provide additional support to Patrol.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Who do I call if I see a canine running at large?
Call the Henderson County Sheriff’s Office at 828.697.4911
Do I have to report all cat and canine bites?
Yes, state law requires all bites from cats, canines and ferrets to be reported.
What do I do if I have a feral cat issue?
You may contact the Sheriff’s Office and speak with an officer. We have a trap program in place to assist with these issues.
What do I do if my animal is missing?
You may contact the Henderson County Animal Shelter at 828.697.4723 and file a lost pet report.
What do I do if I catch a stray animal?
Due to rabies control, we suggest you do not try and catch any stray animals.
What if I get bit by a domestic animal and the animal is not found?
A report will be filed and sent to the Health Department. If the animal is not located, the Health Department may suggest rabies shots.
What do I do about barking canines?
You may call the Sheriff’s Office and an officer will be dispatched. Barking canines fall under the noise ordinance.
What can I do about a canine that keeps coming on my property?
Call the Sheriff’s Office at 828.697.4911. Try and take photos of the canine and document when the canine has been on your property so the officers are able to take enforcement actions.
What can I do about wildlife issues?
Wild Life Enforcement should be contacted at 866.318.2401
What do I do if my animal comes in contact with wild life?
If your domestic animal has been bitten by wild life, contact the Sheriff’s Office and your Veterinarian.
When do I need to get my domestic animal rabies shots?
Your pet should be vaccinated by the time they reach four months old.
What do I do about a bat in my house?
Call the Sheriff’s Office at 828.697.4911 The bat needs to by caught and sent for testing to ensure rabies control measures are taken.
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